Speakers and lesson titles: | ||
D. Mecerreyes - Polymat UPV (ES) | “Polymeric ionic liquids: broadening the properties of polyelectrolytes” | |
M. Armand – LRCS CNRS (FR) | "Ionic liquids, synthetic tools and electrolytes for energy matters" | |
M. Nazeeruddin – EPFL (CH) | "Molecular engineering of sensitizers for solar cell applications" | |
G.Gigli - NNL CNR, Univ. Salento, IIT (IT) | "Nanocrystal based hybrid solar cells" | |
M. L. Curri - CNR IPCF (IT) | "Colloidal nanocrystals: synthesis, functionalization and applications in energy conversion" | |
L. Kavan - J.Hevrovsky Inst. (CZ) | "Advanced electrochemical and spectro-electrochemical characterization of nanostructures" | |
S. Passerini - Muenster Univ. (DE) | "Role of ionic liquids in batteries" | |
E. Paillard - Muenster Univ. (DE) | "Electrochemical characterization of nanostructured materials for batteries" | |
R. Tena-Zaera - CIDETEC (ES) | "Arrays of 1D metal oxide nanostructures: synthesis and application to solar cells” | |
M. Zukalova - J.Hevrovsky Inst. (CZ) | "Nanosized TiO2 with controlled morphology" | |
G. Hadzioannou - LCPO CNRS (FR) | “Directed self assembling of block copolymers and their applications to photovoltaic energy” | |
M. Sessolo - Universidad Valencia (ES) | "Hybrid organic inorganic light emitting diodes” | |
M. Losurdo - CNR IMIP (IT) | "Ellipsometry for correlation of nanostructures and optical properties" | |
M. Guillame - Universitè de Mons (BE) | "Modeling of material properties toward photovoltaic and optoelectronic devices" | |
G. Farinola - Università di Bari (IT) | "Design and synthesis of organic dyes for dye-sensitized solar cells" | |
G. Calogero - CNR-IPCF (IT) | "Natural Dye Sensitized Solar Cells: Theoretical Studies and Pratical Applications." | |
C. Giannini - CNR IC (IT) | "X-ray scattering techniques for morphological and structural characterization of nanostructured materials" | |
M. Copley - Johnson Matthey (UK) | "Chemical and physical routes to nanoparticles" | |
T. Meyer - Solaronix (CH) | "Ionic Liquid based All Printed Dye Solar Cell Modules" | |
O. Masala - Nanoco Technologies (UK) | "Scaling up quantum dots production for commercial applications" | |
A. Guerrero - Universidad Jaume I (ES) | "Semiconductor-sensitized nanostructured solar cells" | |
G. Carotenuto - CNR IMCB (IT) | "Graphene based materials for energy storage in supercapacitors" | |
F. Palumbo - CNR IMIP (IT) | "Plasma processing routes to nanostructured materials for energy conversion" |